
When looking at our vacation homes, you may notice some unfamiliar abbreviations used to describe the bedrooms and levels. Use the information below to understand what they mean so you choose the right home for your group and avoid surprises on check-in day.


Level by Level Description

L1 Level 1 (Ground Floor) Commonly found on level 1 are bedrooms, rec room/game room, entrance to the pool area, media or theater rooms. For keyless entry homes, the Ground Floor is typically where you will find the keyless entry lock.
L2 Level 2 (Middle Floor) Depending on the home, typical types of rooms found on the 2nd Level are bedrooms, a den, or a game room.
L3 Level 3 (Top Floor) Many vacation homes on the Outer Banks are built with a "reverse floor plan" with the great room, dining room, and kitchen on the top floor. Many homes will also have the primary master bedroom on Level 3. This is typically the level with the best views.
L3.5 Level 3.5 Some houses may have a landing in between levels, sometimes with a small sitting area or half bathroom.
L4 Level 4 (Ship's Watch/Loft) The Ship's Watch or Loft is usually open to the level below. Some vacation homes have reading nooks, or a small table perfect for games and puzzles.

Bedrooms & Bedding Descriptions

MBR Master Bedroom (bedroom with private bathroom)
BR Bedroom
K King Bed
Q Queen Bed
D Double (Full) Bed
T Twin Bed
BS Bunk Set with a twin bed on the bottom and a twin bed on the top
Duo Bunk Bunk Set with a double (full) bed on the bottom and a twin bed on the top
DBS Double Bunk Set; Bunk set with a double (full) bed on the bottom and a double (full) bed on the top
TBS Triple Bunk Set; Bunk set with a twin bed over a twin bed over a twin bed (3 stacked twin beds)
TR Trundle Bed; twin bed that stores under another bed
DB Daybed
KSS Sleep Sofa with a king-size mattress
QSS Sleep Sofa with a queen-size mattress
DSS Sleep Sofa with a double-size (full) mattress
TSS Sleep Sofa with a twin-size mattress
Futon Thin double-size mattress placed on a raised, foldable frame
TFuton Thin twin-size mattress placed on a raised, foldable frame

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