Golf Carts

Nags Head, Kill Devil Hills, and Southern Shores

LSVs are allowed on roads with a speed limit of 35 mph or less. Golf Carts are not allowed.


Duck is LSV (street legal) and golf cart friendly. LSVs may be driven throughout the village of Duck, including on Route 12, in all areas where the speed limit is 35 mph or less. Golf carts may be driven in the neighborhoods and side roads throughout Duck but may not be driven on Route 12 outside of Duck Village. Golf carts may not go across Route 12 outside of Duck Village. The Sanderling community does not allow golf carts or LSVs.


Corolla is LSV (street legal) and golf cart friendly. LSVs may be driven throughout Corolla on roads with a speed limit of 35 mph or less. Golf carts may be driven in neighborhoods and side roads in Corolla but may not be driven on Route 12. Golf carts may be driven across Route 12 in areas where the speed limit is 35 mph or less. Corolla Light allows LSVs only, no golf carts. Ocean Sands and Ocean Lake do not allow either golf carts or LSVs.

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