
Pets are permitted in homes that list “Pet-Friendly” in the amenities (NO EXCEPTIONS). Some pet-friendly homes have specific restrictions regarding the number, size, or type of pet noted in the individual description. Pets must be well-behaved and housebroken. A violation of the pet policy is cause for termination of tenancy. Unless otherwise advertised, a maximum of two pets is allowed. Pets are not permitted in pools or hot tubs. There is no additional fee for bringing pets to pet-friendly homes.

Veterinary Hospitals & Kennels

Martin’s Point Veterinary Hospital & Kennel
(252) 261-2250
6405 North Croatan Highway, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 (at the foot of the Wright Memorial Bridge)
Veterinary care and boarding.
Outer Banks Veterinary Hospital
(252) 715-1407
3723 North Croatan Highway, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 (Milepost 4)
Veterinary care.
Coastal Animal Hospital & Kennel
(252) 261-3960
9206 North Croatan Highway, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 (Milepost 5)
Veterinary care and boarding.
Roanoke Island Animal Clinic
(252) 473-3117
107 Russell Twiford Road, Manteo, NC 27954
Veterinary care, emergencies, and grooming.
Eastern Shore Animal Hospital
(252) 453-8200
6421 Caratoke Highway, Grandy, NC 27939
Veterinary care, urgent care, boarding, and grooming.
First Flight Veterinary Hospital & Mobile Services
(252) 491-7474
100 Pan Ridge Court, Point Harbor, NC 27964
Veterinary care.
Good Dog Retreat
(252) 256-2598
716 US-64, Manteo, NC 27954
Doggy daycare, boarding, and grooming.
OBX Dog Walker
(252) 305-6139
Dog walking and pet sitting.

Bringing Your Pet on Vacation

Keep these tips in mind if you plan to bring your furry family member to the Outer Banks.

  • Each town has its own regulations regarding pets. Familiarize yourself with the rules in the town you are visiting prior to your arrival.
  • Please clean up pet waste and deposit it in appropriate containers.
  • Bring fresh water for your dog to drink at the beach. Drinking salt water can make dogs sick.
  • Provide shade for your pet to rest in at the beach to prevent overheating.
  • Be sure that your pet is protected against fleas and ticks. These pests are abundant on the Outer Banks.
  • Bring a leash for your pet. Most towns have leash laws, which are detailed below.
  • Pavement and beach sand can get hot enough to burn your dog’s feet during the summer. The best times to walk your dog are in the mornings or evenings.
  • Keep an eye on your pet playing in the ocean or sound. Be aware of dangerous surf conditions, rip currents, and possible submerged dangers.
  • Pets are not permitted in pools or hot tubs at any time.

Pet Regulations

Nags Head: Leashed dogs are allowed on the beach year-round. Leashes cannot exceed 10 feet in length.

Kill Devil Hills: Dogs are not permitted on the beach between the hours of 9:00 am to 6:00 pm from May 15th through September 15th unless they are aiding the handicapped. At all other times, leashed dogs are permitted on the beaches.

Kitty Hawk: Dogs are permitted on public beaches. From the Friday before Memorial Day until the day after Labor Day, between the hours of 10:00 am and 6:00 pm, dogs must be on a leash not exceeding 6 feet. At all other times, dogs must be restrained on a leash retractable to 12 feet. Dogs may be taken off the leash only if they will not disturb other people on the beach. Unleashed dogs must be controlled by the handler, who must remain within 30 feet and carry the dog’s leash at all times.

Southern Shores: Dogs are not allowed on the beach between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm from May 15th through September 15th. A leash law is enforced for the remainder of the year, and leashes cannot exceed 10 feet in length.

Duck: Beaches are pet-friendly year-round. Dogs are allowed to play unleashed on the beach under close supervision of the owner. Dogs are required to be leashed when in the village or at Duck Town Park.

Corolla: Beaches are pet-friendly year-round. Leashes are required, but there are no length requirements.

4x4 Beaches: Beaches are pet-friendly year-round. Leashes are required, but there are no length requirements.

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