Electronics & Entertainment

Are you experiencing difficulty with your TV’s, Cable, Wifi, Theater Equipment, or Sound System? Let’s check a few things to see what might be the issue. In addition to the below troubleshooting suggestions, please keep in mind that many of these systems feature different makes, models, and Service Providers. The more details you can gather may expedite a resolution.

In this Article
Wifi ConcernsTV & Cable ConcernsTheater & Sound Equipment

Wifi Concerns

Corolla, NC
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1 Network and Password Issues

Your rental home’s Wifi network name and password should be printed on your check-in materials, provided in your arrival packet. If there is no printed information, this Wifi information may be posted in the home in a common location such as a great room or kitchen.

If your check-in materials provide a network name but no password, the network may not require a password at all.

If your network requires a password but one is not provided, the landline telephone number of the rental home is usually the default password. This number should be printed on your check-in materials.

Network and password information may also be printed on the physical modem or router in the home. This might be displayed on a sticker, usually on the back or top of the unit. Modems and routers are usually found in common areas such as great rooms, kitchens, or game rooms.


2 Connectivity Issues

If you are unable to connect to the network or experience unusually slow or intermittent service, you may need to power cycle the modem and router. This often serves as a reboot to the system and can restore service. Service issues may be indicated by yellow, orange, or red lights (sustained or blinking) on the modem or router. To perform a power cycle, please proceed below:

  • Unplug the modem, then unplug the router (if there is one available). Next, disconnect the coax cable from the modem.
  • DO NOT RESET THE MODEM. A hard reset involves pushing a very small internal button on the back of the modem with a slim object, such as a toothpick or pin. A hard reset of this sort puts the device back into factory default settings and may require a service call to the provider.
  • After at least 60 seconds, screw the coax cable back into the modem and plug the modem back in. Allow all lights to power back on and reach an idle state (usually a green glow).
  • After the modem is fully powered up, plug the router back in. Allow all of its lights to power back on and reach an idle state (usually a green glow).
  • Service should be restored, though you may need to refresh the “available networks” tab on your device.

Bear in mind, some areas of The Outer Banks experience routinely slow and spotty Wifi connections due to the remote and isolated nature of the area. This is an especially common nuisance in the 4x4 beaches, north of Corolla.


3 Hardware Issues

Please be sure all Wifi components are fully plugged into their power source. Check to be sure all wires and plugs are resting securely into their respective outlets.

If any components have no power, check to see if the power outlet to which they are connected has a GFI switch that may need to be reset. If other items in this area are without power, a breaker may be tripped.

Make sure your Wifi capabilities are turned ON on your device. Check your Wifi settings to be sure the device is not in airplane mode or some other idle status. The F12 Key on some models of computers may also serve as the ON/OFF button for Wifi connectivity. Check to see if this needs to be pushed if you are attempting to connect with a laptop.


4 Troubleshooting Directly with Local Service Providers

If any of the above suggestions do not resolve your issue, we have several local Internet Service Providers who can work with you directly to diagnose, troubleshoot, and resolve many concerns. Bear in mind, these service providers prefer to speak with you directly (rather than Twiddy) since you are available in the home to perform physical troubleshooting and refer the technician to any specifics. If your Wifi Service Provider is listed below, you may proceed with contacting them directly. To determine if your home is serviced by any of these vendors, please check to see if there is a fridge magnet, tent card, or information sheet in one of the common areas of your rental home (such as the kitchen or great room). The modem or router may also display the name of the Service Provider. If you cannot locate the name or number of the Service Provider, please call our offices so that we may help determine who is available to assist.

Please keep in mind that these Service Providers may require some basic home information in order to troubleshoot and check service. Refer to your check-in materials so that you have the home address and landline telephone number available for reference. If you do not have any of this information available, please call our offices for assistance. It is also helpful to call most Service Providers from the landline telephone number in your rental home as this is often tied directly to the account in question.

  • Twiddy CenturyLink: 1-800-821-2589
  • Silicon Travel: 1-800-459-2256
  • Mircocharged: 252-255-8038
  • Renternet: 252-261-6576
  • Skyenet: 866-759-3638

If your home features Wifi service from Charter or CenturyLink (non-Twiddy affiliated), we recommend you call our offices so that we may assist in the troubleshooting.


TV & Cable Concerns

Corolla, NC
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1 Cable Access, Hardware, & Power

While all Twiddy rental homes feature either Cable or Satellite service, not every TV in the home is guaranteed to have access to this service. TVs that are not connected to cable or satellite should have streaming capabilities or be accompanied by a DVD or Blu-Ray player. Unless advertised otherwise, the main great-room TV is the only unit guaranteed to feature this service; all others are subject to change.

If the TV is connected to a cable box, it should have access to cable or satellite service.

Please be sure all components (TV, cable boxes, receivers, etc.) are fully plugged into their power source. Check to be sure all wires and plugs are resting securely into their respective outlets.

If any components have no power, check to see if the power outlet to which they are connected has a GFI switch that may need to be reset. If other items in this area are without power, a breaker may be tripped.


2 Connectivity Issues

If your TV is meant to have cable service, has power, but is not displaying picture or sound, it is likely the TV and its components are on incompatible settings or there may be a service issue.

  • Using the remote that matches the make of the TV, press the “Source” or “Input” button to see if toggling to another selection resolves the issue.
  • If the cable box or TV screen displays an error message, we advise you to call our offices so we can assist further in arranging a troubleshooting call with the service provider.
  • If multiple TVs throughout the home are experiencing the same error message or service issue, this could indicate an area-wide outage. We still advise calling our offices to arrange a troubleshooting call with the service provider.
  • If only one TV is experiencing the issue, there may be a problem with that specific cable box or a simple setting or power issue, as described in the previous suggestions. If no issue can be found with the “Source” or “Input” settings, connecting cables, or power, we advise calling our offices to arrange a troubleshooting call with the service provider.
  • A cable box displaying an error message can sometimes be reset by performing a simple power-cycle. This can be performed by unplugging the cable box from its power source and allowing it to rest for 60 seconds or more. Plugging it back in should restore power and may return the box to normal service settings, much like a computer reboot. Make sure all other components connected to this unit are powered OFF while attempting this resolution.


Theater & Sound Equipment

Theater and sound equipment vary widely in make, model, and configuration. As such, we do not advise you attempt troubleshooting beyond checking input/source settings and that components are receiving power. Since some cables and connections may be wired into hard-to-reach locations such as cabinets or recesses, we advise calling our offices for further assistance.

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