
You may sign up to be emailed by Twiddy when a home/time frame become available by adding your information to the waitlist. Current-year guests are given the first opportunity to request the same home and time frame for the following year upon check-out. If the current-year guest chooses not to reserve the home for the following year, we will notify you by email.

All guests on the waitlist for a specific home/time frame are emailed at the same time. Current year Reservations and future year Advance Property Holds are booked on a first come, first served basis.

The "51 week rule"

The same home and time frame is held for current guests until the Monday following their departure, pending availability for the following year. If you are a current guest, go to your account and look for the button to pre-reserve.


Guest has first right of refusal until the Monday following their departure.


At midnight on Tuesday morning, guests on the waitlist are emailed at the same time.

How to join a waitlist

1. Select the week you're interested and click "Join Waitlist" from the calendar view.
2. Enter your email address and we'll email if/when the week is available.
3. You can manage your waitlists from within your account when logged in.

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